Graphic by Michaeline Collins
On Wednesday, May 11th, UAA’s Director of Safety Tim Edwards shared with UAA students and faculty an update on the rise of COVID-19 cases so far this spring. Although masks are to remain optional on all University of Alaska campuses, the city of Anchorage has once again surpassed 200 cases per 100,000 people. As per CDC guidelines, this has moved Anchorage from “low” to “medium” risk in terms of transmission.
Moreover, Anchorage has seen a total of 1,954 new cases, an increase of 16.6%, since the start of the month. 44 have been hospitalized and 18 people have died. Of those that died, a majority were women over the age of 60.
Transmissions remain spread out throughout the state, with Anchorage leading at 575, Fairbanks at 213, and Wasilla at 89. It is also worth noting that 279 of the 1,954 new cases are nonresidents, a sharp increase of 32.7% since the last update on May 4th.
As we continue to move forward through these difficult times, here are a reminders and things things to keep in mind; if you are experiencing any symptoms including fevers, nausea, fatigue, or difficulty breathing, get tested right away. Layering protective measures such as vaccination, proper ventilation, masking, timely testing, and social distancing have been proven to mitigate the risk of transmission. Medications to defend against COVID-19 are widely available. If you contract COVID-19, do not wait for it to get worse, call your healthcare provider to explore treatment options.