Photo essay: Three Barons Renaissance Fair

The Rogues and Wenches performing the Naughty Bawdy Tavern Show at The Crooked Toad Tavern. Photo by Justin Cox.

This summer the Three Barons Renaissance Fair made its annual appearance in Anchorage. So I went out to see what it entailed and get some photos. Here is a photo journey to the Three Barons Renaissance Fair.

Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) performing demonstrations of fight skills for the crowd. Photo by Justin Cox.
The Rogues and Wenches performing the Naughty Bawdy Tavern Show. A musical show held at The Crooked Toad Tavern. Photo by Justin Cox.

There are a plethora of shows that you can enjoy, ranging from the Naughty Bawdy Tavern Show — a musical performance between the Rogues and Wenches, which is not appropriate for all ages — to the Tomato show where you can pelt the actors with tomatoes, if you don’t think their acting is good enough.

The Rogues performing during the Naughty Bawdy Tavern Show. Photo by Justin Cox.
One of the Wenches getting into her song during the Naught Bawdy Tavern Show. Photo by Justin Cox.
A Rogue performing during the Naughty Bawdy Tavern Show. Photo by Justin Cox.
Selling tomatoes prior to the start of the Tomato show. Photo by Justin Cox.
Actors performing MacBeth being pelted with tomatoes. Photo by Justin Cox.
Actors in the Tomato show perform MacBeth while attempting to dodge flying tomatoes. Photo by Justin Cox.

If you want to really get in on the action, you can stop by the peasant dance and learn several dances and try them out yourself.

Teaching the audience various Peasant Dances. Photo by Justin Cox.
The audience performing a peasant dance. Photo by Justin Cox.

And finally to round out my day at the fair, I watched the various participants in the costume contest, judged by the Red, Green and Blue Baronesses.

Two of the three Baronesses heading to the Costume Contest to be the judges. Photo by Justin Cox.
A Costume Contest Participant dancing for the judges and audience as an undead pirate. Photo by Justin Cox.
One of the winners of the Costume Contest. Photo by Justin Cox.