Dancers perform “I hate to love you” during their dress rehearsal. Photo by Justin Cox.
Pulse Dance Company and the UAA Dance program performed a final dress rehearsal for their production of “Bloom” on April 18. The dress rehearsal allowed choreographers and dancers to work out any last minute issues before the performance would take place in front of live audiences on April 19 and 20.
Dancers warm up prior to the start of dress rehearsal. Photo by Justin Cox.
Dancers perform “I hate to love you.” Photo by Justin Cox.
Elizabeth Redmond performs “What Happened to Your Heart,” which won first place at the 5678 Dance Competition. Photo by Justin Cox.
“Wandering Worlds” performed by UAA dance students. Photo by Justin Cox.
Giavannia Schmidt performs “Neglected Spaces” during the dress rehearsal. Photo by Justin Cox.
A dancer performs during “Wash.” Photo by Justin Cox.
Dancers perform a synchronized jump during “Wash.” Photo by Justin Cox.
Teigan Akagi and Sophia Martin-Hollar perform “Mine and Yours” at the dress rehearsal. Photo by Justin Cox.
A dancer puts real feelings into her performance of “This is Who I Really Am.” Photo by Justin Cox.
Dancers perform “Focus Group,” the last piece in the “Bloom” performance. Photo by Justin Cox.
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