Costello strikes a pose after her balance beam routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
The gymnastics team lost their rematch against the Sacramento State Hornets 194.575 to 193.300 on Feb. 23, despite numerous career highs. Senior Montana Fairbairn scored a career-high floor exercise score of 9.9, tying the fifth place record in the 40 years of Seawolf gymnastics. Ariana DeSouza (9.85), Grace Costello (9.8) and Hannah Boyd (9.8) also scored career highs on the floor exercise, leading to the second-best floor exercise score in school history, 49.025. Boyd also scored a career-high on the vault with a 9.7, while Madelyn Gomez earned a career-high score of 9.75 on the uneven bars.
After the meet, seniors Hailey Perkins, Alyssa Manly, Marcela Bonifaci, Fairbairn and Costello were honored for their time as members of the Seawolves gymnastics team.
The Seawolf Pep Band plays the national anthem. Photo by Justin Cox.
Maribelle Albert poses after her vault. Photo by Justin Cox.
Fairbairn’s fans cheer before her vault attempt. Photo by Justin Cox.
Jada Niles receives high fives after her uneven bars performance. Photo by Justin Cox.
A judge raises a flag to let Jamilia Duffus know she may begin her uneven bars routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
Duffus performs a flip during her uneven bars routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
Gomez performs her uneven bars routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
Fairbairn waits to start her balance beam routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
Breeann Spain performs a backflip on the balance beam. Photo by Justin Cox.
Boyd performs her floor exercise. Photo by Justin Cox.
Costello performs the floor exercise. Photo by Justin Cox.
DeSouza poses during her floor exercise. Photo by Justin Cox.
Fairbairn poses during her floor exercise. Photo by Justin Cox.
Teammates hug and congratulate Fairbairn after her 9.9 floor exercise score is announced. Photo by Justin Cox.
Perkins poses during her floor exercise. Photo by Justin Cox.
Manley, Perkins, Fairbairn, Bonifasi and Costello pose with their families and coaches for senior night. Photo by Justin Cox.
Bonifasi talks with fans as she signs a poster after the meet. Photo by Justin Cox.
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