Jaisa Gamble races after a loose ball. Photo by Justin Cox.
The Seawolves women’s basketball team has guaranteed they’ll end the season with at least a tie for the 2024-25 GNAC title, defeating the Seattle Pacific University Falcons 99-51 on Feb. 22. If the Seawolves win one of their two remaining regular-season games or Montana State Billings loses one of their remaining games, the GNAC title will belong solely to the Seawolves. This capped off a great season for the Seawolves, who broke or tied numerous records throughout the season, both as individual players and as a team. The Seawolves are currently 24-3 overall and 15-1 for GNAC.
This was especially meaningful to the four UAA seniors who played for their last time at home. Ja’Niah Alexander, Emilia Long, Jazzpher Evans and Tori Hollingshead were all honored before the start of their last regular-season home game as Seawolves.
Seniors Evans, Hollingshead, Alexander and Long pose with UAA’s coaching staff before their final home game. Photo by Justin Cox.
Ashlyn Rean passes the ball. Photo by Justin Cox.
Elaina Mack breaks for the basket. Photo by Justin Cox.
Long attempts to shoot over a defending player. Photo by Justin Cox.
Gamble lines up a free throw. Photo by Justin Cox.
Evans heads to the basket. Photo by Justin Cox.
Rean grabs the rebound. Photo by Justin Cox.
Hollingshead prepares to shoot a free throw. Photo by Justin Cox.
Alexander shoots a free throw. Photo by Justin Cox.
Hedda Koehne waits to sub in. Photo by Justin Cox.
The Seawolves celebrate their victory. Photo by Justin Cox.
The Seawolves pose for a photo after their win. Photo by Justin Cox.
Evans celebrates after she cuts a piece off the net. Photo by Justin Cox.
Long cuts a piece off the game net. Photo by Justin Cox.
Seawolves pose with pieces of the game net. Photo by Justin Cox.
Head coach Ryan McCarthy celebrates with the remains of the net. Photo by Justin Cox.
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