UAA student on the gymnastics beam. Photo by Justin Cox.
As part of the Winterfest activities on campus, Seawolf Gymnastics hosted an open gym on March 2. The members of the gymnastics team were present to show students how to use the various equipment as well as work through the floor routines with them.
UAA student on the uneven bars. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA student on the uneven bars. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA student trying out the gymnastics beam. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA student tries out the uneven bars. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA student jumps between the bars. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA students having fun during open gym. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA student bouncing on the practice mats. Photo by Justin Cox.
Doing a flip during the open gym. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA Gymnast showing a student some balance beam motions. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA students try out the uneven bars. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA gymnast coaches a student her floor routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA Gymnast shows a student how to do a floor routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
UAA gymnast coaching a student through a floor routine. Photo by Justin Cox.
Student showing some skills during open gym, while students and gymnasts watch. Photo by Justin Cox.
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