The newly-painted exterior of the student union. Photo by Taylor Heckart
The Student Union’s newly painted entrance gives a warm welcome to all who enter.
Student Experience Coordinator Eileen Moring was a major contributor in initiating the painting of the walls and pillars.
“Associate Vice Chancellor Laura Volden came in and mentioned how she would love to see more of a ‘welcome center’ vibe from our space,” said Moring.
Moring said that a warm welcome is also needed for new students and guests touring the Student Union.
“We wanted to make it welcoming to walk into the Student Union but also, our office gives tours frequently. This is the first place that we are having these students come to and we want them to feel welcome and feel that they have a place here” said Moring.
Moring said that enrollment services tours had around 492 students and guests for standard and enhanced visits and 482 group visits consisting of highschoolers and middle schoolers from around Alaska over the summer.
With this amount of UAA visitors, a vibrant entrance effectively welcomes current, future or former students.
The Student Union originally had a dull gray concrete entrance that led into a bright and warm interior. Moring and other contributors “wanted to make it very light and welcoming. I’m just excited that it achieved the goal.”
Moring said the overall response from students and staff is very good and many people enjoy the new addition.
Moring said the ceiling is painted yellow to keep the entrance looking new for longer as yellow paint typically gets dirty faster from weathering than darker colors, like green. Meanwhile, the pillars are two different shades of green.
The idea of painting the Student Union entrance has been in conversation since around January of this year. While that would seem like a long time for a simple paint job, Morning explained why.
“It always can take a little longer because it doesn't belong just to Enrollment Services, it doesn't belong just to the Student Union, it belongs to the university as a whole. We have so many different departments, it's a giant game of telephone. It did take a little while to get done but everyone was very supportive,” said Moring.
The painting of a building entrance may not seem like much of an improvement, but these small changes gradually better the campus.
“Doing all of these smaller updates as we can is really important for the overall picture,” said Moring.