All of UAA Campus will be reopened to students and staff on Aug. 2. Photo Courtesy UAA
The University of Alaska Anchorage campus will open to all students, faculty, and staff on Aug. 2. All areas of campus will be open and accessible to anyone with a valid WolfCard. This includes the Consortium Library, the fitness center, and dining options.
The opening of campus is a precursor to the start of the 2021 Fall semester on Aug. 23. Campus has been closed to most for nearly a year and a half, since Mar. 2020.
UAA Chancellor Sean Parnell wrote in an open letter to the UAA community that “UAA leadership is committed to your health and safety.”
Center for Disease Control guidance will be followed, as well as any regulations or mandates from the municipal government.
Individuals who are not vaccinated will be required to wear masks and will be required to self-quarantine if they are exposed. Those who have been vaccinated will not be required to wear masks or self-quarantine if they are exposed. The UAA COVID-19 FAQ states that six feet of social distancing between all individuals will be maintained “as much as reasonably possible.”
The COVID-19 vaccine is not required for UAA students and staff, though vaccines will be available on campus at the health center for anyone affiliated with the University. The only group that is required to show proof of vaccination is students who will be living on-campus.
UAA’s official COVID-19 FAQ states that if new mandates force a change to capacity it may be necessary to respond by returning to hybrid or online formats for classes.