88 employers gathered in the student union for tuesday's career fair. Photo by Dylan Flos.
UAA isn’t a university blessed with big events or a busy campus life - I think that’s something that we’ve all come to realize or likely expected before coming to this quiet northern town. Last Tuesday, we got to enjoy the rare exception to this when well over 100 students gathered in the student union for the 2022 Fall Career Fair. Between the fair and the voting station set up on campus, the building was crowded, lively and full of energy.
88 employers set up tables and talked to students about possible careers in a cross section of industries, including Target, the FBI and the Federal Aviation Administration, ranging from here in town to as far as Bethel. The broad range of employers was a plus, as everyone I talked to seemed to be able to find something that might benefit their future. The employers I spoke to all seemed happy with the event as well, sounding hopeful about the success of their outreach.
For those who weren’t searching for a job or a career, such as myself, there were still benefits to the event. For one, the student lounge had a nice supply of snacks, which immediately made it a good time. On top of that, students could get free, professional photos taken upstairs by the University Advancement Chief of Photography, James Evans, to add on their resumè for future applications and job searches.
So, you’ve made some new contacts, found some new information regarding jobs you might want to pursue, and you’ve spruced up your old resumè with a fancy new headshot, but that’s not the end of the road. Career services is offering a resumè workshop on Friday, Nov. 10 at 11:00 a.m. through zoom. The following Wednesday, there’s another resumè workshop specifically for students with military or veteran backgrounds, held in the student union at 5:00 p.m. Once you’ve solidified your resumè and reached out to a few of the employers you’ve talked to, you’ll hopefully be moving forward with an interview. Career services is offering an interview workshop on Friday, Nov 18 at 11:00 a.m. in the student union.
Overall, this year’s career fair was a huge success. A busy atmosphere was a good shake-up from the past few weeks of gray and cold we’ve had, and there were hopeful thoughts coming from both employers and students as the event winded down Tuesday evening. If you attended, make sure to fill out the survey that should have been sent to your email about your praises, complaints, or suggestions so that next year’s fair can be even bigger and better.