UAA provides low cost rentals for summer gear. Photo courtesy of UAA.
Now that summer is finally in full swing, students may be looking for ways to get outside and enjoy Alaska. For those interested in renting outdoor summer gear, UAA is offering canoes, lake kayaks, stand up paddleboards, hammocks, and spike balls.
One change that’s happening with rentals is that UAA will no longer be offering the option to rent camping gear such as backpacks or camping stoves, though they’re still currently listed online. Assistant Director of the Student Union Cody Buechner said it was too difficult to keep those items in good condition, as they could be challenging to clean.
Buechner said that reservations can be made at the info desk on the second floor of the student union. The info desk is staffed between 10a.m. and 2 p.m. during the weekdays, but Buechner said that they’ll accept reservations through 5 p.m.
“You can call us on the phone. If we don’t have anyone up there we may not answer the phone because again, this is the staffing capacity, but they can come to the front desk and find somebody and rent it,” said Buechner.
Kayak rentals take longer to process, so Buechner recommends that people who want to rent kayaks come by no later than 4:30 p.m.
“The important thing for folks to know is that [the] kayaks they have to transport themselves. So we will show the supplies but you have to strap it to your own vehicle yourself,” said Buechner.
There’s currently no maximum limit to how much gear someone can rent at one time. Buechner said that as long as UAA has the inventory, they’re willing to rent it.
Prices can be found online under the Student Union’s outdoor gear rentals page. Pricing exists for day, weekend, or week rentals, though Buechner said that people can rent for multiple weeks.
UAA also sometimes offers sales around certain holidays like the Fourth of July or spring break. When specials like that run, the Student Union will put out a notice in Green & Gold.
Buechner noted that these gear rentals are not exclusive to UAA students– anyone in the community is welcome to rent gear at the same prices.
UAA currently has five lake kayaks, four canoes, and two inflatable paddle boards available for rent.