The University of Alaska Anchorage will return to primarily in-person instruction for the Fall 2021 semester. Interim Chancellor Bruce Shultz announced the plan to return to on-site operation May 18. University employees will return to campus in May, ahead of the opening of campus to students Aug. 2.
A few days after the announcement, on May 24, University of Alaska interim President Pat Pitney announced that all vaccinated individuals will no longer be required to wear masks on UAA campus. This is consistent with updated Center for Disease Control masking guidelines released May 16. Mask requirements will remain in place for all individuals on university property who are not vaccinated. Masks will be required for all individuals using campus public transportation.
Currently, students who will be living on-campus are required to either receive a COVID test or complete a two week self-quarantine ahead of the start of fall classes on Aug. 23. There is no indication at this time that these policies are being considered for revision ahead of the start of the fall semester.
Those still looking for a COVID-19 Vaccine can visit for information about where and which vaccines are available in their area. A hotline is available on the website for help signing up for an appointment or just to answer questions, and resources are available to get a free Uber or Lyft ride to and from a vaccination site. Sites offering walk-ins are also indicated.