Stories tagged "



Restaurant review: Texture, flavor and aroma mingle at the corner of Lake Otis and Northern Lights

Great meal plans

Free ice cream brings excitement to the summer semester

“The Everlasting Meal Cookbook Leftovers A-Z” destined to become a classic for home cooks

Vice Chancellor Buchholdt recognizes importance of more food options, ‘Brings people together’

The results are in: what UAA is saying about food availability on campus

New food options coming to campus in the Fall

UAA culinary classes cater a celebration, inspire and elevate

USUAA members discuss lackluster campus dining options

‘You can only eat so much Subway:’ UAA students want more from on-campus food options

Donations to the UAA food banks always welcome

Is your pantry looking a little empty? There is help available.

Lunchbox essentials when you are bringing your own food to campus

Bringing your own lunch to school and work

Restaurant review: Namaste Shangri-La

Recipe epiphanies: Mini cinnamon rolls

Recipe epiphanies: Mixed berry cobbler

Starving college students have some tasty restaurants to try near campus
