
Alaska’s largest grocery stores may merge

UAA puts students first, but only 100 of them?

Emergency telephones down across campus

Debaters argue at UAA on constitutional convention

People Mover works to upgrade their technology as ridership increases

UAA hosts 2022 Gubernatorial Forum with Bill Walker and Les Gara

College of Business and Public Policy opens doors to community to show off programs

Election Day debuts ranked choice voting and open primary systems

Movement in negotiations between faculty union and University of Alaska, union threatens strike and legal action

While you were gone

Seawolves start the semester running with a busy August and September

USUAA gets update on campus-shuttle program, discusses response to July 9 Trump rally

Gov. Dunlevy signs bill to protect the Higher Education Investment Fund

Trump holds rally at UAA, draws thousands of supporters and criticism

Supreme Court decision overrules Roe v. Wade, ignites protests in Anchorage

USUAA hears from LGBTQIA2S+ Advisory Committee, gets campus updates, and announces dates for road cleanup at meeting

Wildfire sparks up at Red Shirt Lake over Fourth of July weekend

Clearing the road, USUAA doing their duty

UAA Celebrates Pride: Sunshine and Sandwiches Walk

UA Board of Regents holds first in person meeting in two years at UAA, members of faculty union show up to demonstrate
