Graphic by Edleen Guiao and Linnaea Gossard.
As stated in the previous two releases of this article, we here at The Northern Light have decided to start an advice column. This advice column is available to all students and any other readers who want to submit a comment or question that they would like to receive advice for.
However, we listened to the lack of responses and — thankfully — have made some revisions to the requirements for submitting a response on Croft’s Comments. No longer are we requiring any inclusion of your name, initials, or email.
Now, the comments and questions will allow you to remain completely anonymous. So feel free to ask away without any risk of me, or anyone else, knowing who you are.
My name is Tanner Croft, and I will be responding to each comment and question personally, hence the name “Croft’s Comments.” All submissions will be read, but it is not guaranteed that all will be included in every edition of the paper.
A QR code attached to this article will allow you to submit comments and questions. Your submissions can be about anything.
Whether you are seeking relationship advice, school advice, or are simply a new student with questions about how college works, this is the place to go.
Ask anything at all — there are no limits.
Although, I do suck at math, so maybe avoid asking me how to do complicated mathematics. I mean, I’ll try my best, but I can’t guarantee that any of my answers will be accurate.
Once a comment is submitted, expect a minimum of a two-week delay for a response in the next edition of the paper.
I look forward to hearing from all who choose to submit a question! Scan the QR code, or visit this link for submissions.