Photos: Glacier View celebrates 4th of July with annual car launch

Vehicles are decorated before their last drive over the cliff. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.

The annual Glacier View Car Launch was held on the 4th of July at the Glacier View River Retreat, located approximately 100 miles northeast from Anchorage. Hosted by Arnie Hrncir, the Glacier View Car Launch launched a variety of decorated vehicles off a cliffside for their final drive. This year, over twenty cars were sent flying into the air. 

The event also featured a variety of vendors and food trucks. Tickets were $20 per adult and $10 for children.

Attendees line the banks of the Matanuska River as they wait for the car launch to begin. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
The Barbie Corvette is driven up the hill to the launch point. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A hatchback is launched off the cliff. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A vehicle tumbles down the hill. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Vehicles are decorated before their last drive over the cliff. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
According to the event announcer, this school bus was driven all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to Glacier View in order to be launched in this year’s festival. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A camper and a boat come apart as they’re launched off the hill. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Dust rises up around the wreckage of the camper after it crashes. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Spectators exchange commentary after watching a vehicle crash. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A small fire breaks out as a car bounces down the hill. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Mambo enjoys his first Glacier View Car Launch. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A minivan flies down the hill. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A truck is launched into the air. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A car breaks apart on its initial impact. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Spectators cheer as a police cruiser crashes and bursts into flames. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A Saturn hatchback is launched off the cliff. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
A launched vehicle lands in the pond beneath the cliffside. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Attendees climb the hillside after the launch is concluded in order to retrieve parts from the vehicles. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
An attendee attempts to remove a door from one of the crashed vehicles. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.
Attendees carry out a piece they had removed from the wreckage. Photo by Rachel Musselwhite.