Emilia Long scores UAA’s first point of the night on a free throw. Photo by Justin Cox.
On Nov. 2, the Seawolves and Red Hawks had a rematch, and once again the Seawolves took an early lead and crushed the Red Hawks 94-29. Elaina Mack scored 27 points, a career high for the junior from King Cove, Alaska, beating her previous career high of 20 points on Friday.
Tori Hollingshead faces off in the tipoff to start Saturday's game against the Red Hawks. Photo by Justin Cox.
No. 13 Jaisa Gamble and No. 14 Ashlyn Rean attempt to block the Red Hawks. Photo by Justin Cox.
Gamble makes her way to the basket. Photo by Justin Cox.
Mack attempts a 3-pointer. Photo by Justin Cox.
Mack takes a shot. Photo by Justin Cox.
Long looks for an opening on her way to the basket. Photo by Justin Cox.
Rean — a freshman from New Zealand — attempts a free throw. Photo by Justin Cox.
Long attempts a layup. Photo by Justin Cox.
Hedda Koehne — a Junior from Germany — takes a shot. Photo by Justin Cox.
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